
Custom command line arguments

The default command line interface can be executed by calling the cli method of a Pipeline object. However, to add custom arguments, one needs to wrap the Pipeline object with a PipelineCLI object and call its run method instead:

from dalymi import Pipeline, PipelineCLI

pl = Pipeline()

''' add pipeline definition here '''

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli = PipelineCLI(pl)

    ''' add custom arguments here '''

The PipelineCLI object has several attributes to add custom functionality, most importantly:

  • run_parser: an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser handling the run subcommand.
  • ls_parser: an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser handling the ls subcommand.
  • dot_parser: an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser handling the dot subcommand.

There is no object to handle the undo subcommand as it is auto-generated during runtime, so that the undo's arguments match the ones of run, even if custom arguments were added to run. In addition, the -d/--downstream option is added to undo.

The above listed objects can be used as in regular argparse command line interfaces. So, additional arguments could be added to the subcommand parsers (e.g. run_parser). Any parsed commands and arguments are added during runtime to the context dictionary which has to be accepted by pipeline task functions and is used to format resource location templates. This makes default and custom arguments available as variables in pipeline tasks during execution.

See below for specific examples of adding custom functionality to the command line interface.

Execution date

Continuing from the code snippet above, the following describes how to add an "execution date" argument to the command line interface. This can be useful to simulate pipeline executions in the past or future, and to store resources at locations specific to the actual execution date of the program (see "Templating resource locations" below for more details).

Before calling the run method of the PipelineCLI object:

cli.run_parser.add_argument('-e', '--execution-date', default=pd.Timestamp('today').date(),
                            type=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x).date(), help='the date of execution'))

If the command line option is not used explicitely, today's date is used as default. With the type keyword argument, we convert the provided value to a datetime object. Any string compatible with this transformation is hence valid, e.g. '2018-01-30'.

Now, the context dictionary passed to each pipeline function will contain an entry with key 'execution_date' and a datetime object as value (argparse converts hyphens to underscores to ensure valid Python naming).

Custom resource classes

dalymi ships with a default set of resource classes (see dalymi.resources), most notably PandasCSV and Pickle. These classes are ready to go and provide all the functionality a resource needs for pipeline execution. However, custom resources can be easily defined by subclassing dalymi.resources.Resource and overriding key methods:

from dalymi.resources import Resource

class CustomResource(Resource):

    def check(self, path):
        # custom code to check whether this type of resource exists at location `path`.

    def delete(self, path):
        # custom code to delete this type of resource at location `path`.
        # only required when using the `undo` command line interface.

    def load(self, path):
        # custom code to load this type of resource from location `path`.
        # only required if this resource type is being used as task input.

    def save(self, path, data):
        # custom code to save the `data` object as this resource type at location `path`.
        # only required if this resource type is being used as a task output.

Since any i/o functionality of resources can be customized like this, resources can be any type of object. Most straightforward are files stored locally, but it could as well be database entries, remote files or anything else that is touchable with Python code.

Local files

For convenience, custom local files can inherit, in addition to Resource, from dalymi.resource.LocalFileMixin which provides sensible implementations of the check and delete methods. Example for a matplotlib figure:

from dalymi.resources import LocalFileMixin, Resource

class FigureResource(LocalFileMixin, Resource):

    # `LocalFileMixin` provides `check` and `delete` methods.

    def save(self, path, figure):
        return figure.savefig(path)

    # we omit the `load` method since this class is only intended for task output, not input.


LocalFileMixin has to be inherited before anything else. Otherwise the Python "Method Resolution Order" does not find the relevant object methods.

Pandas DataFrames

Since pandas.DataFrames are so essential for data processing pipelines, they hold a special status within dalymi, mostly for the functionality to specify their columns during resource definition. Recall the example from the tutorial:

from dalymi.resources import PandasCSV

squares_resource = PandasCSV(name='squares', loc='squares.csv', columns=['number', 'square'])

PandasCSV objects represent pandas.DataFrames that are stored as local files in CSV format. In addition, during i/o operations, dalymi asserts whether the data frame has the expected columns (here ['number', 'square']) and raises an AssertionError if not.

Custom storing methods can be defined for pandas.DataFrame by subclassing dalymi.resources.PandasDF. Subclasses of this type retain the assertion functionality for the data frame columns, but must implement their own check, delete, save and load methods. In fact dalymi.resources.PandasCSV is itself a subclass of PandasDF.

Column assertion can be turned off for PandasDF type classes by instatiating the object with keyword argument columns=None. In this case, column assertions are generally ignored.


An additional benefit of specifying data frame columns is that column names can be represented in pipeline graphs using the dot command line interface.


The current implementation of PandasDF works for any object that holds a column attribute which enlists the object columns. Hence, it could be used for other classes too. However, future development of dalymi might not guarantee that PandasDF objects do not rely further attributes specific to pandas.DataFrame. Use with care.


Pipeline internals are logged using the Python logging module with level logging.INFO. Logging messages include which tasks dalymi attempts to run, which inputs are being loaded, which tasks are skipped, because input exists, etc. By default, Python does not log messages with level logging.INFO. So, to make dalymi pipeline internals verbose, set the logging level before pipeline definition to logging.INFO or lower. For example:

import logging


Since we specified 'dalymi' in getLogger, this setting will only affect the dalymi Python package.

Templating resource locations

When defining resources, the loc keyword argument can be a templated string using standard Python curly brackets format. Upon i/o operations on the resource, the string is formatted using the context dictionary. This allows for parameter-specific resource location for reproducable data output. E.g.:

from dalymi.resources import Pickle

model = Pickle(name='model', loc='data/{execution_date}/model.pkl')

In this case, when model is saved or loaded, the provided path to the save and load methods of the resource is 'data/{execution_date}/model.pkl'.format(**context), where context is the dalymi runtime dictionary. Obviously, execution_date must be present in the dictionary which can be achieved by adding it as a custom command line argument to the run_parser (see above).

The undo CLI command will be able to find the same file and delete it when being called using the same command line arguments as the run command. This will always be possible since custom arguments added to the run command will automatically be added to the undo command.

In this example, one could think of the pipeline being executed daily and each day, a freshly trained machine learning model would be pickled and saved in a folder of the current date.

Project config management

A dictionary of external context can be supplied to the run method of the PipelineCLI class. The external context will be combined with command line arguments as a unified context dictionary. This allows for convenient injection of a config file. For example:

from dalymi import Pipeline, PipelineCLI

pl = Pipeline()

def some_task(my_parameter, **context):
    # `my_parameter` originates from a key in `config.yml` and
    # is being pulled out of the context dict for usage in this task.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cli = PipelineCLI(pl)

    with open('config.yml', 'r') as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)

Now key-value pairs specified in config.yml will be present in the context dict supplied to each pipeline task. Parameters can be pulled out of the context dictionary by specifying their name as positional arguments.

Custom assertions

During i/o operations on pipeline resources, dalymi can run a set of assertions on the resource. This can be quite handy to check whether pipeline data is as expected.

Custom resources, sub-classed from resources.Resource can implement assertions by submitting a list of functions to the __init__ method of resources.Resource (keyword argument assertions). The submitted functions will be executed during loading/saving of the resource a must accept a single argument: the data object of the resource itself. The return value of the assertion function is ignored, so any error raising or logging should be handled in the assertion function itself, e.g. by using the assert statement.

Other default resources shipped with dalymi also accept the assertion keyword argument in their __init__ method.

Here is an example to assert the existence of null values in a Pandas dataframe:

def none_null(df):
    ''' Asserts that a dataframe does not contain any nulls. '''
    assert df.isnull().sum().sum() == 0, 'Dataframe contains nulls.'

prepared = resources.PandasCSV(name='prepared',
                               columns=['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width'],